THE JOURNEY DUO – Book & Card Deck Set
This special combo set is a great value! The Journey Duo includes A Journal for Your Journey Book by Donna Mathiowetz along with the Journey Card Deck.
This interactive journal will guide the reader on their journey of grief and loss. It is filled with snapshots of the author’s own experiences after the death of her son. Among the stories are thought-provoking questions and quotes which will offer the readers an opportunity to pause, reflect and write as they navigate the often rocky terrain of grief.
The Journey Card Deck includes 52 cards and is divided into 3 topics: Grief, Grace and Growth. These little nuggets of inspiration and wisdom can serve as a tool to help navigate the grief journey.
The Journey Duo makes a great gift for those who could use a little lift, nudge or added support. It is a perfect gift to send after a loss occurs, especially once life gets back to “normal” for everyone but those grieving.